Alicia Diane Scott

Alicia Diane Scott

24 abril, 1987 - 27 diciembre, 2016


"Shattered Forever" is how Alicia Scott mother described feeling after Alicia was brutally murdered by her husband, Daniel, of thirteen years.

During the time of their dating, Alicia's mother Leslie did not like Daniel or the influence he had over Alicia. Despite the effort Leslie made to keep her daughter from seeing Daniel, it was futile. Alicia argued with her mother to move in with her dad because she knew there were less restrictions. During this time, Alicia asked her mother to sign a document for she and Daniel to get married. Leslie refused, but Alicia's father agreed to sign. At the age of 16 in October of 2004 Alicia and Daniel were married. After having their son, Dylan, in 2006 everything seem to be going ok until Leslie saw bruise on Alicia's forehead.

Alicia went to a restaurant in Grapevine, Texas during the Christmas season and told her mother about the abuse.  Her mother begged her to leave and offered to help her get a job and get back on her feet. Soon after, she left Daniel for a period of time and moved back home with her mom. At this time Daniel was endlessly contacting her mom.  Daniel's mother threatened Leslie to let them know where she was or they were "all coming for Leslie". Still Leslie refused. Daniel's niece found Alicia on MySpace and he was able to make contact with her again. He began apologizing,  sending her gifts and this lured Alicia back into the relationship. Alicia ignored her mother's strong advice to not go back.

A few days after she went back, he moved Alicia and baby Dylan to Alaska, where Daniel's controlling behavior worsened. Alicia was forbidden to talk her sisters and friends for a while. Their daughter, Emily, was born in Alaska and Daniel allowed Alicia to be in contact with Leslie because they needed money and things for the new baby and he knew Leslie would help.

Unfortunately, it only worsened when Alicia had their third baby. After her daughter Alyssa was born by C-section, Daniel wouldn't allow Alicia to hold her. Fortunately, her mother was also in the delivery room. She took baby Alyssa and handed her into Alicia's loving arms, where she was able to hold her precious baby girl for the first time. Daniel also started pushing Alicia further away from her mother. Leslie still managed to see Alicia when Daniel wasn't trying to prevent it.

There were times no one knew where she was. Daniel and his family hid her and she wasn't allowed to have contact with her family. In June of 2015, Daniels' mother told Kaufman County Deputy that Alicia was being sold for sex against her will and the reason she was doing it was because she knew he would kill her if she didn't obey him.

It was Christmas 2016 and Daniel was not allowing Alicia to go her mother's on Christmas day. So instead they planned on spending time together on New Years Eve. New Years Eve gathering never happened because on December 27th, thru text, Alicia and Daniel were arguing. Alicia told Daniel he ruined her Christmas.

In response, Daniel came home and shot Alicia in the face.

His excuse to the police it was accident. Then he told the police they were playing a game and it went off. The police knew different when they saw the bruises on Alicia body. Disturbingly, Daniel was holding onto a piece Alicia brain that he was not willing to give over, explaining it was the only thing he had left of her.

After being found guilty, he sentenced to 70 years in prison.

Another heartbreak for Leslie happened when she found out that Daniel parents gained custody of her grandchildren.

Leslie had the desire to help others after the trial and with that she had setup Alicia's Voice Foundation that has resource to help Domestic Violence victims.

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Nombre Alicia Diane Scott
Fecha de nacimiento 24 abril, 1987
Fecha de defunción 27 diciembre, 2016
Donación en memoria del difunto Alicia's Voice
Donación en memoria del difunto Donate to BTSADV

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